
People Don’t Take, Trips Take People

Explore Aapna Safar Real Adventure & Travels

We are one of the leading travel agents in Eastern India and have expanded our geographical location, first being Bengal.

Protect your life

We're here for look even you from start to finish.

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+91 9332662519

Tent Camping

We offer everything you need for your next camping adventure in a tent.

Fishing & Boat

If you are a true fishing lover, this attraction is a must while you're in Rhodes!

Mountain Biking

Mountain biking is a kind of adventure sport which can be enjoyed far off the roads, often of rugged hills and terrains.

Adventure Climbing

Rock climbing as an adventure activity in India. Things to know about Rock Clibming.

Are you ready to travel?

Ready to travel with real adventure and enjoy natural




Hang Gliding

Who We Are

Great Opportunity For Adventure & Travels

Aapna Safar as a company laid its foundation with a thrust on the quality and premium service in the field of Travel and Tourism. We play the role of a catalyst to enhance your Travel and Tour Experience be it Holiday, Honeymoon, Family Reunion, Corporate Conference, Weddings or a simple Air Ticket.
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Who We Are

Great opportunity for adventure & travels

Safety First Always

Our services are for everyone. No matter if you have secured a low amount for the trip or you are looking for a luxury hotel stay.

Low Price & Friendly

Well, this is important. Unlike inexperienced travel agent at Kolkata, we remain active 24 hours a day.

Trusted Travel Guide

When you contact the best tour operators in Kolkata you can expect to have a flawless weekend.

Ready to travel with real adventure and enjoy natural